Are you trying to determine which product will best fit your needs. Answer these following questions to find out. As always if you have more that 10 days before your cleansing deadline we recommend our ten day ProCleanzer.
1.) Are you 20 lbs or more overweight? Yes – ProMaxx 32 oz No – keep going
If you answered no to question number one –
2.) Do you have at least two days fully toxin free before the day of your cleansing deadline? No – ProMaxx 32 oz Yes – Keep Going
If you answered no to question number one and yes to question number two –
3.) Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes – Protox Xtreme Strength 20 oz No – Keep Going
If you answered no to question number one, yes to question number two and no to question number 3 –
4.) Are you 10 – 20 lbs overweight? Yes Protox Xtreme Strength 20 0z No – Protox Tropical 16 oz or Protox Orange 16 oz
So can I drink water or Gatorade after consuming the product and the water it requires? Or do I need to just stick with what was on the bottle? I’m always thirsty so that’s why I’m asking. I got the jump start pills that I took last night and today I took the 20 oz advanced extreme strength formula green apple.
We recommend sticking to only water. You can drink a little more than the instructions tell you to, but you don’t need to go overboard.