Before Consuming Protox
- Give yourself a full two days for preparation without toxins, including all unnecessary medications, alcohol and nicotine.
- During your days of preparation stay hydrated by consuming plenty of water and brewed green tea.
- We recommend a high fiber diet in the days leading up to a cleansing deadline.
- Remember days that you introduce toxins into you system do not count as days of preparation. We also do not include the day of consumption.
Day of Consumption
- Two to Three hours before consuming Protox eat a meal consisting of oatmeal or a high fiber cereal.
- Avoid acidic drinks or food. (i.e. coffee, cranberry juice)
Over the hour before consumption drink three 8 oz glasses of water. - Two hours before your cleansing deadline shake the bottle and drink contents.
- After 15 minutes fill the bottle back up with water and drink that.
- Urinate Often
- As a dietary supplement